It’s Time to Q & A, Episode 1

An Interview with Anthony O’Neill

Q – When does the planning process start?

A – Planning starts a whole year ahead of the summer party season.

Q – What is the most creative event you’ve ever had in the marquee?

A – The Mad Hatter’s picnic from Alice In Wonderland.

Q – How many people and companies does it take to build the structure? When do you begin booking them in to work?

A – It takes up to 10 Companies to bring this beautiful structure to life. I book the planning team to begin building the Marquee once the de-rig begins from the previous year.

Q – What are your tips on the successful project management for the marquee?

A – Plan well and have trust in your suppliers.

Q – What Is your favourite thing about summer parties?

A – Meeting my old and new clients as well as building a fantastic relationship with them.

Q – Describe your ideal marquee event.

A – Free flowing champagne, the finest of food and the greatest of, the finest of food and the greatest of entertainment.

Q – What is the biggest strength and the wow factor of the marquee? What attracts your clients to book a summer party at Gray’s inn?

A – It’s very hard to find 5 acres of gardens like ours in central London. I take on board what our client’s really want at their events and listen to their feedback.

Q – What is the funniest thing that has happened in the marquee

A – I found a family of foxes sleeping in the dance box a few years ago.

Bookings are now open for Summer Parties 2024.